Posts by Place

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Post One: Pre-Korea

By now some of you may have heard that I'll be taking off to Korea. This is going to happen sometime in November. I'm not sure when because it depends on visa applications and documents getting through without a problem. Once I find out, I'll be sure to let you all know here.

Many of you are probably thinking this is a spur of the moment decision, but I've put a lot of thought into it and have decided it's going to bmy next great adventure. I'm going to learn Korean, live in Asia for a year (maybe longer if I like it), and see where life takes me. I plan to explore the culture, and to start liking fish. :D

What will I be doing over there? Where's the money going to come from? Well, the plan is to teach. According to my recruitment contact, my grammer and test scores from my interview indicate I'll be teaching kids between 10 and 14 grammer and reading comprehension. They'll be learning English, I'll be teaching in English, and I should do alright. I have a job offer at the moment with one of the top-rated English institutes in South Korea.

So, I've currently got to get my diploma notarized, and then send off all my documents, and then we play the waiting game until one of the schools snatches me up properly and offers me a specific start date, salary (I do currently have a specified range), and location. I'll know about a month and a half before I leave, so that puts me at mid september to the very beginning of October, or a few weeks from now.

For those of you who want the chance to speak to me during my year in Korea, I do have an email section in this blog. That's for those of you who don't know my email currently (I've been having some problems with a couple of mine and have been trying out new ones). It's a secure connection. I can't see your email address and you can't see mine, though, so if you want a reply back from my new account, make sure you put your email in the message you send me, not just the email box of the form. You'll see what I mean when you go to look.

Korea is 15 hours ahead of Denver, Colorado. Which means that if you're reading this from England (I hope some of you are) you're looking at my being 8 hours ahead of you (Lis, I'll be 1 hour ahead of you, so we can talk all the time). I will be getting a phone there, and it will have Skype on it as soon as I can install that. If you don't know my skype name, please ask my mum, and she'll make sure you get it. That way it's not out and about on the internet. I will also have my computer with me for better quality skype calls, but I'm not sure how soon I'll have internet access to speak to you all. If you're just looking to check in on my weekly progress, I'll be posting all my pictures and stories here for you all to read at your leisure. :)

Sorry for the long post everyone, but there was a lot to say this first go! Hope you all continue to read and enjoy the stories of my adventures!

All the best,

1 comment:

  1. Much love Sam for your adventure and happy blogging!

    Coincidentally, we've just spent the afternoon with 8 fellow bloggers, sharing a meal at the house of one couple, and we've only become friends through blogging ourselves.

    You're right, it is an adventure. Live it to the full and enjoy every day!

    from 'Great Auntie Elizabeth'


I am going to moderate comments, just because I know what some of you are like, and that way it will tell me everytime someone comments and I can make sure to read them all! :)