For those of you who wondered why I did not post in March, I can only say this: terribly sorry. March was a month of birthdays (including my own, hello 23!), and so a lot happened, but not much that deserved a post about. We didn't visit anywhere particularly new, and we didn't do too many exciting new things, so despite having a full month, I had very little new to post about.
In the one week when there wasn't a birthday, Amy and I found ourselves in the middle of a Saint Patrick's Day celebration in Sindorim. I have never been so thrilled by the sheer number of people with blond hair. A band was playing jigs, and everyone was dancing and throwing beer about and drinking in the middle of the street at the bottom of the Sindorim mall, and it was completely by accident we ended up there. All in all, it made for a good distraction and Amy and I both had a lot of fun.
In other news, at the beginning of April, my Mum and Dad came to visit! We did lots of stuff while they were here! We took a trip down to Busan in the south. It rained, but that was okay, because it was nice to get out of Bucheon for awhile. Dad found an entire baby octopus in his pasta and it put Mum off her dinner. We had a nice walk down around the beach the first evening, before we finally got to sleep in a proper soft bed (my bed here in my apartment, like most Korean beds, is rock hard, so this was heavenly). We took the KTX bullet train to get there, travelling at about 230km/hr. We made several stops all the way south, so the trip was about three hours, there and back, but it was great to see the scenery and take a look at Korea.
Sadly, a lot of Korea looks very similar. This does make sense, since it's a small country really, comparatively (I'm thinking U.S. now), and there are lots of people so the whole place is built up. As such, finding green space is rare, but very much appreciated when you do come across it. For the girl who doesn't usually tend to like nature, it's an interesting dynamic. I miss trees and plants and green things. I might buy myself a little potted plant. XD
Busan's built up too, but it's on the sea, and there are beaches where fireworks take place. The neon lights against the city are gorgeous, and there's actually a lot to see around there. We visited the museum, and also the United Nations cemetary on the second day, both of which were interesting and a nice change from regular day to day stuff.
Here are a bunch of photos from Busan!
My mum and dad in Busan
One of Busan's famous beaches, minus all the people who are usually there in tents, because it was raining that day
Busan beach at twilight
Busan beach and bridge all lit up
My mum and dad again
A couple of panorama shots of Busan's beach
For the NEXT POST: more of my Mum and Dad's visit!
-Til then! Sam-
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