Posts by Place

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bucheon - Day Before New Term Begins

Since there wasn't much to post for awhile, I haven't been in touch for half a week, so now I'm going to make up for it with a grand tale of not much happening.

Everything's very new and exciting still. Van and Rebekah arrived late friday from passing Training and tomorrow we all start teaching. I think I've got the books I need (the schedule changes like the wind, so I won't know for positive until tomorrow when my first class starts).

Yesterday we had a big CDI Thanksgiving, where we all got together (about 25 of us in one apartment) and had turkey and cranberry sauce and gravy, and dumplings in soup and Korean stir fry and dutch biscuits and macadamia nuts and vodka and soju and wine. It made for quite the ethnic holiday, all while watching a subtitled Hell's Kitchen on Bryan's big television. We ate this with chopsticks of course, and that made it an adventure, but the best part was getting to spend time with everyone (like Brooke from Australia and Amy from Scotland who haven't ever done Thanksgiving before) and just having a laugh and some fun.

We were meant to go to Seoul on Saturday but got distracted by other things, so that didn't end up happening. We did, however, get to see the CDI kids performing in the Expression Contest, where they all practice for ages to give presentations about their favorite Critical Thinking Projects, and win prizes for how well they do. Some of them were really good, and others were just really cute.

Anyway, next week I start teaching my own kids, and then next weekend we're planning on going into Seoul now we have the chance, so until next weekend!


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